Welcome to the CoopBoss SmartThings download.

If you own a CoopBoss.com controller you are in the right place to get the latest SmartThings software for it. To install the programs you will need to log into your SmartThings IDE and follow these step by step instructions see our Door Jammed SmartApp install guide.

Additional CoopBoss SmartApps:

door jammed notification SmartApp: Sends a notification to your smartphone when your coop door jams.

Door status to color: Sets a color light or lights based on the status of your coop door. Green if closed, Blue if open, Red if Jammed.

Coop light management Hens need 14 to 15 hours of light for optimal egg production. This SmartApp allows you to set a target amount of light for your hens and will supplement their light in the morning. For example, lets say you want your hens to have 14 hours of light each day but there is only 10 hours of daylight during the winter. This SmartApp will turn on the coop’s light 4 hours before sunrise to supplement for the short winter days.”

Admin Set Door Current: Allows you to set your door’s normal close currently to a known value. Please contact CoopBoss support before using this SmartApp.

Admin Set Max Current Never Exceed: This SmartApp allows you to set a new Max Current Never Exceed (MCNE) for your CoopBoss. The MCNE is used as a safety setting during a high current close (forced close) or an open. This setting should be set to match the max current of the 12v power supply connected to your CoopBoss. Typical settings are 3000mA or 4000mA.

Advanced Features:

Advanced features overview and installation Video

Virtual CoopBoss custom device handler and SmartApp:

Virtual CoopBoss custom device handler: This virtual CoopBoss device handler will mask your CoopBoss as a Garage door, Door Lock, or a on / off switch. This device handler along with the below Virtual CoopBoss Manger SmartApp will allow you to include your CoopBoss into your SmartThings home automations and the Smart Home Monitor.

Virtual CoopBoss Manager SmartApp: This SmartApp acts as an agent / broker for the above virtual CoopBoss device handler and your physical CoopBoss.

What is the CoopBoss?

The CoopBoss is a management system for your backyard chicken coop. Its primary function is to safely and reliable manage your coop’s door. The CoopBoss monitors the sun and will safely close your coop door at sunset and open it again at sunrise plus a lot more. #### SmartThings awards the CoopBoss best in show for their Show Us Your SmartThings #### Parallax features the technology used by the CoopBoss on their learn web site.

How can I buy the hardware?

You can purchase the hardware from our Etsy CoopBoss store.

For more information see CoopBoss.com.